Page name: I hate hate [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-12 00:46:58
Last author: zoloftzantac
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Sound ironic? It is, we're not really "hating" hate, but trying to make a point about how hate is the most ugly thing in this world.


An Anti-Hate Community where EVERYONE is welcome, please respect others.


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"Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule."





"Hatred can be overcome only by love."

~Mahatma Gandhi


This wiki was named from something I once heard someone say,
"I hate people who hate hate"

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"Hatred paralyses life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."

~Martin Luther King Jr.


"Intolerance: a veil worn to disguise fear and ignorance."

~Binda Fraser

"He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing."





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2006-05-01 [L V F]: im an idiot. lol no seriously i have my moments. But yea i feel ya wendy

2006-05-01 [Lust]: We all have moemnts. But just depends if you can use your brain when you need to!

2006-05-01 [L V F]: brain? wats that? lol

2006-05-01 [Lust]: Err..

2006-05-01 [Wendy]: read the bottom of my house. I had to write a nasty letter.

2006-05-01 [L V F]: lol im sry im being dumb. ive hadf to much sugar today and ok wendy

2006-05-01 [Wendy]: No! Not you! I'm referring to [anytingfhs]. He makes baby Jesus cry.

2006-05-01 [L V F]: wow thats one mean letter.

2006-05-01 [Wendy]: LOL! I can't stand these people! See? YOu know some of the other sides of Ms. Wendy. ^__^

2006-05-01 [L V F]: -hides-

2006-05-01 [Lust]: Each to their own. =)

2006-05-08 [zoloftzantac]: Welcome to [moonlight angel], our newest member! When ever someone new joind I always give a little reminder to all that this is a safe zone, and we all need to keep up the good job of all respecting everyone else here. Welcome again! ^_^

2006-05-08 [kittykittykitty]: hey [moonlight angel] ^_^ The memberlist is big enough for it's own wiki now :P

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: Yay! Welcome! *gives you a goody basket*

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: I'm gonna buy the new Harvest Moon game! Makes me sooooo freakin' happy!

2006-05-08 [L V F]: -sharpens sword and listens to u guys-

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: Yay! Violence!

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: Well, RP violence.

2006-05-08 [L V F]: I aint gonna kill anybody. well yet anyway. -shrugs and puts sword away than sharpens my claws-

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: *whips out a scratching post*

2006-05-08 [L V F]: -cuts the post in half with one swipe of my claws- Hmmmm.... Got a metal one?

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: *carries a rabbit over to you*

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: *dashes back to the forest in search for wild piggies*

2006-05-08 [L V F]: I dont like killing rabbits not good game. Demons on the other hand. -grins- Now those are fun. -cracks neck-

2006-05-08 [Wendy]: *cooks delicious pork* Lycanthropy is a disorder where people think that they can turn into animals. Often associated with wolves. So...You are part wolf and part vampire? Let's go questing!

2006-05-08 [L V F]: No its not a dieses. I dont suffer from believeing i can transform into animals. Scientists have no clue what it really is. I can see hear and move in almost complete darkness its where the body returns to a primal state of being. all my sences are hightened but to give it a name it is Lycan cause the race does get somewhat wolflike in behaaviour.

2006-05-09 [kittykittykitty]: [Wendy] gaaa ick ick delicious pork? Nooooo! i accidentally opened a can of soup today that had pork in (I didn't read the label properly). I heaved and it made me feel so ill because the smell stuck in the kitchen for hours! e_@  **sorry for randomness**

2006-05-09 [Wendy]: "behaavior"...Are you part sheep, too, [L V F]?

2006-05-09 [Wendy]: Are you a vegetarian, [kittykittykitty]?

2006-05-09 [kittykittykitty]: Yep, for a couple of years now! But, I never liked to smell or eat anything pig...

2006-05-09 [L V F]: I just cant type it sucks.

2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]: One time someone gave me some split pea soup and then I found some ham in my mouth ... yuk! I used to be mostly vegetarian for a few years, but I never liked most pork. (now I eat fish and chicken sometimes)

2006-05-10 [L V F]: -is a pure meat eater and hates all veggies-

2006-05-10 [kittykittykitty]: zz: My mum used to think she was doing me a favour by slipping something animal in my food, like vegetables aren't good enough. But I just started making my own food instead. I've never had that problem since because I've learned to be careful. [L V F]: Don't hate me, it's not like I forced an opinion on you.... we're supposed to hate hate here remember? :P

2006-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: I don't think they meant vegetarians...I think they meant vegetables :P

2006-05-10 [L V F]: I didnt say i hated u i just hate vegetables. I dont have anything against u kitty.

2006-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: I think [kittykittykitty] misunderstood you. I think she thought you meant "vegetarians" not "vegetables".

2006-05-10 [L V F]: Yea i wasnt really clear on what i ment

2006-05-10 [Bookwyrm]: I'm sure it's fine ^-^ ::hugs:: I still love you! ::offers a hubcap-sized cookie:: Now I'm off to take a nap. My hands are swollen...damn arthritis ^-^ Ciao everyone!

2006-05-10 [zoloftzantac]: by slipping something animal in my food / umm ... yuk, that's not cool of her at all. Between bean and rice, nuts and soy you can easily get all of the protiens your body needs, I missed sushi too much tho ...

2006-05-10 [kittykittykitty]: *hits herself over the head with a vegetable* sorry [L V F], the written word is very easy to misinterpret *hugs randomly* zz: my mother wasn't at all supportive of my choice to stop hurting more animals. It upset me that she thought I was so fickle, and she thought it was some phase, like I was trying to look cool... it took her too long to trust my judgement, even after I tried giving her tons of literature about how healthy vegetarian eating can be

2006-05-10 [kittykittykitty]: But, it has made me lose some respect in her. The way she closes her mind when I try to get her to understand... it's not a trait I ever wanted to see

2006-05-11 [HowlofDoom]: how is everybody?

2006-05-11 [L V F]: me okies. just tired

2006-05-11 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]:Sorry hun, I do know what that is like, seeing ones parents as being closed minded and being disappointed in them ... *sigh*

2006-05-11 [kittykittykitty]: *hugs [zoloftzantac]* well, that's what parents are for: bringing you up the way they see fit, and being disappointed if you want to do your own thing

2006-05-11 [HowlofDoom]: I'm tired too... *yawns*

2006-05-11 [Bookwyrm]: ::hugs [HowlofDoom]:: I want to be a vegetarian...but I can't eat anything with soy in it (I'm can kill me). I eat as little meat as I can get away with but I have to be careful about what I really depresses me when I think too much about it.

2006-05-11 [kittykittykitty]: wow that must be bad! Wanting to be vegetarian, but not able to be. How bad is the allergy?

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Hmmm...Beans and nuts. That kinda thing. Protein shakes. There are all kinds of alternatives to soy and meat in order to get your protein.

2006-05-12 [Bookwyrm]: [kittykittykitty]: It can kill me if I ingest more than a very minor amount.

2006-05-12 [Bookwyrm]: [Wendy]: However that means I can't have any type of "milk" chocolate, or any vegan food with soy in it. Which limits me to such a tiny array of things to eat that the lack of variation is dangerous to my health. If I can find a way around my soy allergy I can be a vegan. I'm hoping that allergy shots might help me...but I don't know yet.

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: Have you talked to your doctors to find dietary alternatives and whatnot?

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: ...I miss my chinchilla squad...They were killed and eaten...

2006-05-12 [Bookwyrm]: I mentioned it to my thyroid doctor. He didn't seem to approve...he gave me a bad look and suggested other diet options. I don't think he agrees with it. The only other time I was at the doctor I was pretty much dying so I didn't get a chance to ask him. Although I'm probably going to have to go back soon as my whole body is fighting me right now. I can't be touched and can't move without pain. Hence I'm getting off the computer soon. I'm sorry to hear about you chinchilla squad. I read about that.

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: oh yeah, sorry about that ... I didn't really kill them tho, I just ate them ...

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: I'm making a chinchilla quiz. Methinks you'll like it, Z.

2006-05-12 [kittykittykitty]: Chinchilla Squad...?

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: It would be difficult to be vegan with a soy allergy, but it is pretty doable as long as you don't also have a wheat gluten allergy. Have you tried seitan? It is a high protein vegan, soy free wheat product. Rice milk is a good vegan, soy free milk substitute also ...

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]: read the comments on Guards from 2006-05-06

2006-05-12 [kittykittykitty]: Nooo, you ate the chinchilla squad!!! So cruel o_O

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: yeah, I know ... sorry, my bad

2006-05-12 [L V F]: -0shakes head-

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: MY CHINCHILLA QUIZ! Very funny! Enjoy!

2006-05-12 [L V F]: -looks around- -sits back and a glass of vodka-

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: You KNOW you wanna take my hilarious quiz! It has answers that'd likely appeal to you.

2006-05-12 [zoloftzantac]: Sweet, I got one right! :p

2006-05-12 [Wendy]: I'm lovin' the answers that some of my friends put.

2006-05-15 [Bookwyrm]: ::cough cough:: Happy four year anniversary to [Bookwyrm] and [Bran the Blessed] ::cough cough::

2006-05-15 [kittykittykitty]: Aww good for you [Bookwyrm] ^_^

2006-05-16 [HowlofDoom]: *wags tail* YAY [Bookwyrm]!!!

2006-05-16 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: Thanks guys ^-^ ::hands out cookies::

2006-05-16 [L V F]: congrats witch

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: Congratulations! Love is a very beautiful thing. Where did you meet him? Tell us a love story!

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: *puts [Bookwyrm] in a chair and then has everyone gather around her like it's Story Time at Kindergarten*

2006-05-16 [kittykittykitty]: yaay love stories! *sits at [Bookwyrm]'s feet and nibbles her cookie*

2006-05-16 [Bookwyrm]: ::chuckles:: I met him at a football game. I hit him in the shin with my drumstick...then we were in art class together and ended up sitting together (at the same table) insulting eachother and everyone else for the whole of my seventh grade year. Finally he asked me if I'd like to go out with him "for a while or whatever"...and I said "sure"...and we've been together ever since! XD He's unofficially proposed to me. We're (hopefully) going to announce our engagement before he leaves for boot camp. Yes I know we're young but I've heard all the arguments so please no one say anything about it. I've made up my mind.

2006-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: hello...i'm back....miss me?

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: I'm 18 and whatnot. I can understand. I move to Texas and get married in 17 days to [The Waco Kid].

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: How did he 'unofficially propose"? What do you mean?

2006-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i'm 20, my boy is 18, we are engaged but not getting married...why you getting married so young?

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: You're 20? I thought that you were 16 or something. I gotta check your profile again.

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: Everyone has their own lifestyle. I don't wanna dick around. I know who I want and I'm in love. Why not? I know who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I could very well ask why you AREN'T getting married at such a young age. This works for me. People are so interesting! Everyone has their own lifestyle choices.

2006-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: why does everyone think i'm 16? do i really look that young? ><; because it is statistically proven that young marriages do not work out

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: The power of human will is something not to be taken lightly.

2006-05-16 [Wendy]: Michael ish 22.

2006-05-16 [kittykittykitty]: Aww you two sound great together! But he's leaving for boot camp soon?? I wouldn't say anything about your age: it's not something that matters when it comes to love ^_~

2006-05-16 [kittykittykitty]: ooops... I left the page on for like an hour before I sent it

2006-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: my dad leave this sunday....

2006-05-16 [HowlofDoom]: well congrats [Bookwyrm].. yeah you do seem a bit young but... whatever makes you happy I guess...

2006-05-16 [RabidSphinx]: i don't believe in WHATEVER makes you happy, but to a certain extent maybe

2006-05-17 [Wendy]: As long as it isn't harmful.

2006-05-17 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, that too

2006-05-17 [HowlofDoom]: yups

2006-05-17 [Bookwyrm]: He's leaving for boot camp yes. He'll be back in two months, then he ships off for specialized training (he's going to be a medic) but he'll be able to come back when he gets breaks. Then after a few more months all that will be over with and he just has to go in one weekend out of every month. And I'm getting married young because I know what I want and I don't see the point in wasting my time looking for someone else and being miserable in the process. And for many other reasons I'd rather not disclose in such an open area. But I'm glad you're all so open ^-^ ::hugs all-around to those who like hugs::

2006-05-17 [Wendy]: YAY! HUGS!

2006-05-17 [kittykittykitty]: *likes hugs* ^_^ I couldn't imagine being apart from somebody I love for two months! That must be hard, but I guess it makes it more special when he gets back :P

2006-05-17 [Bookwyrm]: I am very sad that he will be gone so long, with nothing but letters to go by. But I will be sick while he is gone, so I will probably sleep through most of it, quite fortunately. I just want him to come back whole and healthy. ^-^

2006-05-17 [Wendy]: He'll be hot and buff.

2006-05-18 [Bookwyrm]: ::stares:: No talking about my fiance` being hot and buff.

2006-05-18 [Wendy]: I was just kidding. I'm not into lotsa muscles. How about you girls? I think it's nice if they're toned, though. I love Michael the way that he is. Hee hee!

2006-05-18 [kittykittykitty]: Too many muscles doesn't do it for me. But... I don't like guys who are skinnier than me! They aren't as cuddly ^_^

2006-05-18 [Wendy]: I like cuddly.

2006-05-18 [kittykittykitty]: I like guys with little flabby bits... not fat, just bits you can hold onto haha (does that even make sense?)

2006-05-18 [Wendy]: Michael is sooooo sooooo cute! I'mma shnuggly up to his coot tummy every night! Mmmm! Lotsa kissy kissies. Just 15 more days. Hee hee!

2006-05-19 [catelf]: This june 1st thing is complete nonsense, right? And if not, can [zoloftzantac] explain to me how the guards are going to do through 42000 houses and check for proper pictures? :-/

2006-05-19 [kittykittykitty]: In case you hadn't seen already [catelf], check the newest news ;)

2006-05-19 [Wendy]: I was kinda lookin' forward to it, though. So many stupid or unused accounts would've been kaput.

2006-05-19 [kittykittykitty]: I really don't like empty houses! It's so annoying, because they tend to be the ones who don't read the part on my description where it says 'I don't respond to hi-mail'. It's as if their own house doesn't exist. I think it would be good to delete some of the completely empty houses (as in ones with not a thing in, not just picture missing)

2006-05-19 [Bookwyrm]: ::nods:: I agree with [kittykittykitty]. Not to mention there are a bunch of accounts that aren't being used at all, and haven't been used for at least a year. It's rather irritating to cycle through members that aren't there.

2006-05-19 [RabidSphinx]: i would say delete them, but noooo...*grumbles*

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: heh, well I went thru all 350 of the toggery players looking for peope who had not been logged in for 100 days, that took about 20 seconds to get that list with careful use of the search tool ;)

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: Did you take all the cards back? Or was it a while ago? Because my search got 9 people with cards who haven't logged in for over 130 days

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: I already took them all away, there were 60 of them at the time. I guess 9 more came up since then ;) oh, and I didn't take then all, some were MIA crew :(

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: MIA crew?

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: crew that are Missing In Action

2006-05-20 [kittykittykitty]: Do crew get better cards given to them? Or do they have to pay togs like everyone else? (or is it none of my business? :P)

2006-05-20 [zoloftzantac]: Toggery crew gets one unique self card, otherwise it is pretty much the same for everyone, that crew member didn't have any special cards, but since they were crew I gave them a 2nd chance to come back to EP, the next time I remove cards I'll take theirs too

2006-05-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: whoa....

2006-05-20 [Wendy]: I made my own soundbites! Go to Wendy's Soundbites to hear me sing and whatnot! Please comment!

2006-05-20 [L V F]: -dances like the idiot i am-

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol, hi everyone, how are you all?

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: sad

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: awww *hugs* why?

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: my daddy left this morning for Afghanistan. i wont see him for a year.. :(

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: awww thats really sad, can you phone him and stuff

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: i will be able to once he is there and stuff, but not for long, and the times are all different there and here, and he will be gone for a year, and i miss him so much already...watching him get on that plain was soooo hard!

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: i really feel sorry for you now, how sad that you cant see him

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: i miss my daddy.. :(

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: well, it could be worse....he could have had to go for 10 years

2006-05-21 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, i guess that would be worse, but that doesn't make me feel any better...he is still gone

2006-05-21 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: i know hunni, but he will be back

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: *huggels RD*

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: thank you. enough about me....lets kill a small community of people...any suggestions of who it should be.....

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: you're such a hater :p

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i'm just in that kind of a mood at the moment. i won't say names, but there are a few members of Elfpack (some i know in person) that i could kill right now and feel nothing over it. i think it's because this is the third night i haven't slept, but i feel like i could shoot a person in the head and kil them and not even blink. make that person one of the people i hate at the moment and i may even get some satisfaction from it.

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: Good, I can feel your anger. They are unarmed. Take your weapon. Strike they down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete.

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i would shove my lightsaber up that cunt's cunt and boil her insides with it...

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: uhh ...

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: plesent....

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: well, I'll bring the BBQ sauce :p

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i don't want to eat her...she is far too high in fat, and i'm on a no-food diet

2006-05-22 [zoloftzantac]: so don't eat any then :p more for me ;)

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: fine

2006-05-22 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: ohh, if there is person on the menu i would like some

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: help yourself. there is enough of her to go around

2006-05-22 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: hmmm, well could you use the lightsabre to cut of the fat

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: it would actually cause the fat to burn away since the lightsaber is pure light energy and heat...but yes, it would make the fat go away...but sadly, there wouldn't be much left of her once you got rid of the fat

2006-05-22 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: hmmm, well ok i will just go and buy some meatr from the shop

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...better let the crows eat her foul meat

2006-05-22 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: mmm, by the way, who is she (or do not want to say)

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: i cannot name names. those who know know who i'm talking aboutm those who don't know best not get themselves dragged into the fight...^^

2006-05-22 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: ok, lol well im sure you will win

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: oh gosh i hope so

2006-05-22 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: :D Yaaay! I think. ?

2006-05-22 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...yay, nakid time! *dances*

2006-05-22 [¤♫♪Ģєήίε♫♪¤]: *dances with her* Yaaay!

2006-05-23 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol!!!! good dancin you to

2006-05-23 [RabidSphinx]: you know what? the alert for "i hate hate" was right before the alert for "rats' on my page so it looked like it said "i hate rats" for a second and i was like, "what? who made a wiki called 'i hate rats' and why am i wathing it?" lol

2006-05-23 [kittykittykitty]: haha :P

2006-05-24 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol randomness, hi kitty how are you

2006-05-24 [kittykittykitty]: Um... furry ^_^ I'm guessing you are feathery?

2006-05-24 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: umm yes, what ever yoy say XD

2006-05-25 [zoloftzantac]: I was gonna make a really funny i hate rats wiki page, but then I got lazy ... maybe I'll laugh about it anyways :p

2006-05-25 [kittykittykitty]: I'm disappointed zz, somebody must make that page! *is lazy*

2006-05-25 [zoloftzantac]: I went out for too many beers, so I'm even more lazy now ;)

2006-05-25 [Wendy]: *creates i hate rats*

2006-05-31 [Bookwyrm]: QUERY: Why do people label themselves...then scream "DON'T LABEL ME" all over their page, and even at people the meet off the internet? Honest question, requires answer. Thank you for your time! :END QUERY

2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: I have wondered that myself too many times. In my experience people say 'don't label me' before anybody lables them because they want an argument about it to show off the label they gave themselves. I really couldn't care less if people labeled me because I don't feel like I need one

2006-05-31 [Bookwyrm]: I don't believe in labeling people. It's only another senseless reason to hate someone, or create more hatred in a sense. I'll admit that I used to follow the stereotypes when I was younger (and considering I'm still young that's not saying many years ago :P) but it dawned on me that the only reason I was disliking certain people was because they followed a certain trend or activity. It seemed pretty stupid to me. I'm trying to educate my boyfriend...but he has this issue with hating really hurts me.

2006-05-31 [zoloftzantac]: It is very simple actually, most people are too fucktarded to know when they are being dumbasses ... :p

2006-05-31 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: Well someone's in a mood...

2006-05-31 [zoloftzantac]: heh, not really, I pretty much always think that. The trick is to love your neighbor even tho you know he is a dumbass ;)

2006-05-31 [Bookwyrm]: ::smiles:: I didn't say I didn't love anyone. :P I do care for these people just makes me sad. You know...I used to say "Being stupid should hurt", but I think it does...yes I think it does...on a different level...a special level that only stupid people can feel. XD really is getting far to late for me to be awake on painkillers.

2006-05-31 [catelf]: I don't completely understand the thing about labelling people. So, you label someone an "emo" or "goth" - but someone with a username like [ultra_goffik*666*] (just made that one up) tends to be the person saying "don't label me". I think that what [Bookwyrm] was saying in her question, actually, so sorry for repeating it. Labels just define who a person is. I could be labelled as a bit of a hippy, as British (only a quarter, but never mind), as an atheist... that doesn't hurt me or anyone else. Sure, people might hate me for being any one of those things, but that's not because I'm being labelled as being them, it's because I am those things and some stupid person has a problem

2006-05-31 [catelf]: ...with that. It's not because of being called it. So I don't understand why people have an issue with being labelled as what they are. That was a long-winded, incoherant way of saying it. I wish I could pretend it was because it's the first thing in the morning and I'm tired, but it's almost lunchtime, so I have no excuse. *yawns*

2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: Personally I think there is nothing wrong with labels. How else could you tell tin cans apart? :P

2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: But, I agree with [Bookwyrm], I think it is disgusting when hate is spread via labels. Maybe if your label was 'murderer' or 'drug dealer' I could understand hate, but when chavs go through town looking for fights with metalheads for no reason other than the clothes they wear or the music they listen to... well that's when it's just pathetic. There have been too many times in the past I have had to protect myself and my friends from petty fights instigated by nescient morons

2006-05-31 [~*Astarte*~]: Oh my! [zoloftzantac] "The trick is to love your neighbor even tho you know he is a dumbass" ;) So... you are my neighbor... :p

2006-05-31 [zoloftzantac]: heh, so be glad I didn't say "she" :p

2006-05-31 [~*Astarte*~]: I love you, too, [zoloftzantac]!!! ;)

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: The problem (back into the comments of the cat ladies ;) is that people are not as simple as tin cans. Therefore, a label will not include all the characteristics of a person, thus being a bit annoyin for the "labelled" to deal with the "labeler". Something that usually happens to me is that as soon as I say I'm a Catholic (and that isn't even a label, as I see it) some people place on me all they think a Catholic should be (usually, narrow minded, hypocrite, and other beauties). That reduces all possible conversations to: ME: I think... THE OTHER: do you think or did the little guy in white say so...?. Which is highly annoying.

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: i have nothing against labeling people and being labeled myself. it makes thing easier

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: What I mean, they will understand everything I say according to the view they have of Catholics, and not take what I say in an objective way. However, I think [catelf] is right about respectable [ultra_goffik*666*]. But then, I think in building our own personality and self esteem, there is a moment in which we all try really hard to fit in the labels. I mean, hands up, who didn't have an extreme punk/goth/metalhead/hippy/anything stage during our teenages? I think it's part of growing up, trying to make those people who in our opinion fit the desired label, put that same label on us. And once we get to it, most of us in a histrionic attack claim we are misundertood and labelled.

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: [RabidSphinx](Long time no see! ;) The world is not usually a place easy to understand, or even to live in. So maybe easier is further from the truth than complicated but comprehensive... I think.

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: i like to label things, orginize them and group them. that's wh i like stereotypes. it's not always fair (but who said life was fair) and my understanding does not need to be cosmic and all knowing and all that...i just need to know enough to get by. labels help many do that

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: But they usually prevent you from knowing people. If that's not a problem for you, go ahead, put your tin cans in order :)

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: all my cans in my cupboard are upside down and aranged by colour...>> i think i have issues...     but it doesn't prevent me from knowing people if i bother TRYING to get to know them, but for the most part i dont WANT to know the people i went to school with, worked with, walk down the street by. what does it matter my opinion of a stranger i will never see again? it's not like what i think matters to them just like what they think of me doesn't matter to me. the whole "don't care what others think/anti-peerpressure" outlook is a good one to have no?

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: The thing is... if one cares so little about knowing certain kinds of people, why should one even bother labelling them? And if labelling prevents from knowing, why should we lable the people we do want to know? Thus I declare labels as something rather useful for peopl, although very useful for objects. *goes over her gender-arranged CD collection.*

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: because that's what i do. i observe people, study them, label them based on that, and go about my day. i was under socialized as a child, i have no social skills, so i just sit back and watch. labeling people is just what i do. labeling helps me decide though what people i would want to attempted to get to know. not prevent...hinder at best...but my emotinal safty is what i care about most, more than their feeling of injustic at being "pre-judged". one must guard themselves

2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: Labelling takes a split second, so most people can't help but to do it ;) Arrrgh I'm so bad with organinsing things! I have my CD collection arranged by type, then alphabetically, then chronologically >_>

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: i have no CDs...:(

2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: No CDs? You use MP3s only?

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: i have a few yeah, i guess. mostly i was too poor growing up to have CDs so now i see no point...i have a few frieds got me though...Like Dagula by Rob Zombie and Linkin Park...

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: I agree that labelling is almost an automatic action, the problem in my opinion, is that labelling is easier, faster and more comfortable than thinkig. Just like watching TV. And I thing most though-shrinking activities end up being harmful for the individual. *Begins to arrange her CD collection alphabetically, then cronologically ;)*

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: i can't see how it is "damaging" to look at someone and judge them. for me it takes thinking,=...

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: Why would someone waste thinking time on something which doies not benefit anyone? that's what I wonder in my sleepless nights... *that, and who put After Forever after Avantasia?????*

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: when all you do is think time is never wasted, regardless of the topic. i can't sit and contimplate the cenundrums of the univers ALL day, sometimes i just see a fag-ass-emo-boy walking down the street and i get distracted by catigorizing him

2006-05-31 [BlindGuardian]: But you'll never know if your conclussions are right... the same way you may boil to death a hundred frogs and never know why don't the jump off the water.

2006-05-31 [RabidSphinx]: why would i *care* though to know if what i assume is right? as far as i'm concerhned they are a fag, what's the loss? if they aint, then they are just retarded for derssing like one and again, not a loss.

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